
Hetzendorf townhouse

Res­i­den­tial build­ing with 6 apart­ments and an office. A glazed atri­um shields the street noise. The plinth area is clad with traver­tine slabs, the col­or tone is con­tin­ued in the ren­dered façade above. Let­ter­ing and light­ing details com­ple­ment the impres­sion of a sober but detailed façade. The entrance foy­er with wal­nut lam­perie, wall mir­rors and fab­ric pan­els rep­re­sents an ele­gant home, with a bag rack, (let­ter) clock and umbrel­la stand. Inside the house, the col­or­ful­ness increas­es, the stair­case is paint­ed in four basic tones of the col­or wheel.

Het­zen­dor­fer­straße, 1120 Vien­na / 2006
Client: Com­mer­cial prop­er­ty devel­op­er