
Rathausstrasse office build­ing

Spiegel­gasse sausage stand

DG Julius Tan­dler Platz

Garage Freyung

Garage Wind­mühl­gasse

Het­zen­dorf res­i­den­tial build­ing

Sum­mer house Geroldgasse

NHM Geol­o­gy Hall

Stilt house Klosterneuburg

WB Althan Quar­ter

Cot­tage quar­ter town­house

Apart­ments Prater­straße

School project

Exhi­bi­tion Hedy Lamarr

Chair Up — Vien­na Design Week

Gumpen­dorf office

Clothes rack and lamp

Alberti­na sausage stand

Amer­i­can Bar Remake

Mov­ing Space

Garage Votiv­park

Sausage stand Prater

Juice bar Opern­gasse

Siegfriedgasse town­house

Semi-detached hous­es Bre­it­en­furt


Turk­ish snack bar

DG Lan­des­gerichtsstraße

Career coun­sel­ing BIWI

Exhi­bi­tion The­ater Muse­um

Ephrus­sis exhi­bi­tion

Exhi­bi­tion Kurt Klags­brunn

The Vien­nese Roth­schilds

TURN ON 2023 February 20, 2023

Col­or — light — room atmos­phere
In dia­log: Gre­gor Schu­berth and Thomas Hell­weg, Fa. XAL
Fri­day, March 3, 17:45 at the Radio-Kul­turhaus.

Room 6 “The Earth” — ready! February 20, 2023

Open­ing: Feb­ru­ary 22, 2023, Nat­ur­al His­to­ry Muse­um Vien­na Bur­gring 7, 1010 Vien­na
Exhi­bi­tion design and devel­op­ment of the inter­ac­tive sta­tions
Cura­tion: Math­ias Harzhauser, Agnes Maier, Julia Land­siedl (Design NHM)
” NHM Vien­na
” read more

We are also on You-Tube December 15, 2022

To relax, we like to make our own lit­tle ani­ma­tions.
” Here is a selec­tion of our favorite films
” favorite 2022: The New Jol­ly

Finally finished! October 14, 2022

Christoph Panz­er pho­tographed the new Siegfriedgasse town­house project for us.
” read more
” here on YouTube

Garage Freyung July 5, 2022

As places, garages are pure in-archi­tec­ture. They should be clear, safe and pleas­ant. We were able to test this in Park­garage Freyung in Vien­na. Each floor is kept in its own pas­tel shade. Impor­tant tran­si­tions are marked with black mosa­ic tiles.
” read more
” here on YouTube

“built 2021” June 2, 2022

Award for juice bar in the Opern­pas­sage
“The City of Vien­na — Archi­tec­ture and Urban Design (MA 19) is show­ing high-qual­i­ty archi­tec­tur­al projects that were com­plet­ed in 2021 in the “gebaut 2021” exhi­bi­tion. The “gebaut 2021” archi­tec­ture prize was award­ed to 27 pio­neer­ing, inspir­ing and exem­plary new build­ings, exten­sions and con­ver­sions in Vienna’s urban area that also con­tribute to social sus­tain­abil­i­ty and cli­mate pro­tec­tion.“ 
” read more

The Viennese Rothschilds. A thriller. March 3, 2022

Pho­tog­ra­ph­er Michael Dürr has cre­at­ed an atmos­pher­ic trail­er that shows the spa­tial rela­tion­ships and flow of move­ment that are so impor­tant to us when design­ing an exhi­bi­tion.
” here on YouTube