
WB Althan Quarter

Togeth­er with the Epsilon build­ing on Julius-Tan­dler-Platz, the ensem­ble of five high points can be read as one coher­ent struc­ture. The vol­umes take up the pro­por­tions and gran­u­lar­i­ty of the already planned refur­bish­ment tow­er on Althanstraße. Above the rail­road tracks, an inde­pen­dent struc­ture is cre­at­ed that takes up Karl Schwanzer’s plan­ning with­out copy­ing it. The build­ings refer to their Wil­helmin­ian-style sur­round­ings. The east-west con­nec­tion between Lich­t­en­thaler Gasse and Wasser­burg­er­gasse is empha­sized by new build­ing edges and open stair­cas­es.

The high points fol­low the type of small high-rise build­ing. This height cor­re­sponds to com­mon high-rise for­mats in the inner-city area of Vien­na. The long-dis­tance effect of the high-rise build­ings is deter­mined by a restrained mate­ri­al­i­ty, the col­or tones of which echo the Wil­helmin­ian sur­round­ings: White-beige-grey-brass-bronze.
The ele­vat­ed park stretch­es from Julius-Tan­dler-Platz across the entire quar­ter, with spa­cious city ter­races open­ing up to Althanstraße to the west.

3rd place in an inter­na­tion­al com­pe­ti­tion in April 2018
With Karl and Bremhorst Archi­tects