
Summer house Pötzleinsdorf

A sum­mer house was built for a young fam­i­ly for sum­mer and par­tial win­ter use on a floor area of 35 m² on the edge of the Vien­na Woods. The col­or­ful devel­op­ment of the sur­round­ing hous­ing estate was the inspi­ra­tion for a design that mix­es shapes, mate­ri­als and col­ors to cre­ate a spa­tial col­lage. Con­tent and cov­er were delib­er­ate­ly sep­a­rat­ed.
Pöt­zleins­dorf, 1180 Vien­na / Com­ple­tion 2019

Client: pri­vate
Award at wien­wood 21 in the Architek­turzen­trum Wien. The jury said “The house impress­es with its sophis­ti­cat­ed room plan, the sur­pris­ing col­or accents and views … a house to fall in love with ” www.wienwood.at