
Exhibition Theater Museum

The baroque Palais Lobkowitz is full of pecu­liar­i­ties. Would the archi­tect per­haps have want­ed to build a com­plete­ly cir­cu­lar hall instead of the cur­rent semi-cir­cu­lar room on the ground floor? We can no longer ask him — but how would we have answered? Below you can see the floor plan of the the­ater muse­um and the exhi­bi­tion design con­cept. In the court­yard, we have marked the fic­ti­tious cen­ter with a play­ing piece.

Design of the exhi­bi­tion: “Adored … cov­et­ed … the­ater cult and pas­sion for col­lect­ing” from 8 Sep­tem­ber to 18 April 2022 Lobkow­itz­platz 2, 1010 Vien­na
Cura­tor: Karin Neuwirth
Team: Paula Brücke