
Exhibition design Natural History Museum Vienna

The new geol­o­gy hall “The Earth. A dynam­ic plan­et“
Per­ma­nent exhi­bi­tion, open­ing Feb­ru­ary 2023
Nat­ur­al His­to­ry Muse­um Vien­na Bur­gring 7, 1010 Vien­na
Cura­tion: Math­ias Harzhauser, Agnes Mair, Julia Land­siedl (Design NHM)

The Geol­o­gy Hall was once known as the “Emperor’s Hall” due to its mag­nif­i­cent fur­nish­ings. A vol­cano now explodes in the new­ly designed hall, stones fly through the room and vis­i­tors can expe­ri­ence what moves the earth. Dense in con­tent but open in appear­ance, sci­ence is con­veyed here in a con­tem­po­rary design.

Exhi­bi­tion design, conception/coordination of inter­ac­tive sta­tions: Schu­berth and Schu­berth
Team: Vic­to­ria Pich­ler
Graph­ics: Fuhrer Visu­al Design
Light: Gun­ther Fer­enc­sin-Junick
Art instal­la­tion: Johannes Lude­sch­er
Sci­en­tif­ic illus­tra­tions: Mark Belan, Lisa Kröll
Pho­tos: Christoph Panz­er