
Lost and Found

The for­mer “Glass Palace” short­ly before demo­li­tion. A search for clues on the deliv­ery ramp of the for­mer com­put­er cen­ter. Plas­ticine planes cir­cle over­head, crum­pled balls of paper and sketch­es are blown into the cor­ners of the room and spill out behind the lat­tice gates (paper was an indis­pens­able basic mate­r­i­al for a com­put­er cen­ter). A pho­to doc­u­men­ta­tion by Christoph Panz­er guides you through each room of the build­ing.

A room instal­la­tion as part of the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK 2014.
Rathausstraße 1 in 1010 Vien­na. A project togeth­er with Andreas Zan­gl.
Pho­tos: Christoph Panz­er, Edit­ing: Gre­gor Schu­berth, Draw­ing depar­ture: Paula Brücke