
Garage Freyung

Spa­tial design with graph­ic means — col­ors, pat­terns, signs — occurs in exhi­bi­tions, film and the­ater, and: in garages. As places, garages are pure in-archi­tec­ture, they have no win­dows and no out­side space. They should be clear, safe and pleas­ant. We were able to test this in Park­garage Freyung in Vien­na. Each floor is kept in its own pas­tel shade. Impor­tant tran­si­tions are marked with black mosa­ic tiles. The guid­ance sys­tem for pedes­tri­ans and cars actu­al­ly con­sists of two sys­tems, each inverse: white on black and vice ver­sa.

The light box­es by artist Lin­da Bil­da have been redis­trib­uted. In her works, col­ors, signs and pat­terns seem to be cap­tured by a slight dizzi­ness (Kun­stRaum­Garage project, 2015).

Team: Iev­genii Kali­novych, Ele­na Mali, Sofia Hra­ban
Pho­tos @Christoph Panz­er
First con­struc­tion phase, com­ple­tion Octo­ber 2022.


Video @michael_duerr
Cast: Mar­tin Fabi­an (helt Zivil­tech­niker) and Mar­tin Katz­may­er
Archive music pro­vid­ed by Sound­Kit, by Pond5