
Garage Windmühlgasse

Labyrinths and light­hous­es have to do with ori­en­ta­tion, as do cities — and as part of them: garages. The Wind­mühl­gasse park­ing garage is locat­ed in the rear build­ing of a 90s apart­ment build­ing in the 6th dis­trict. Even if park­ing garages rarely appear archi­tec­tural­ly on the out­side, here the semi-pub­lic street space is extend­ed into the inte­ri­or. The new design reflects the vibran­cy and urban den­si­ty of the sur­round­ing area (Mari­ahil­fer Straße, Gumpen­dor­fer Straße, Apol­lo Kino) — stripes, bright col­ors, bold let­ter­ing and unusu­al mate­ri­als com­bined with clear let­ter­ing.

Team: Ele­na Mali, Sofia Hra­ban
Light­ing design: pod­pod design
Com­ple­tion: sum­mer 2022
Pho­tos: Christoph Panz­er